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DQE Announces New Product: Wireless Backup

DQE’s newest product, Wireless Backup, will provide a failover solution for Internet access to DQE Internet and SD-WAN customers. This service will help businesses remain operational in the event their primary service becomes inoperable due to a major disaster, severe weather, cyber-attacks, a disruption in fiber or copper services, general IT updates and additional scenarios that result in Internet outages.

“Businesses are increasingly relying on Internet services to conduct day-to-day operations, and while DQE provides extremely reliable ways for businesses to connect, some businesses seek added assurance,” said Jim Morozzi, CEO of DQE Communications. “Providing a wireless backup service allowing businesses to communicate with customers and employees during unplanned circumstances helps us deliver on our promise to provide superior service to our customers. It also offers our forward-thinking customers of any size a new tool that they can incorporate into their evolving business continuity strategies.”

DQE can now provide a seamless transition to the Internet for a customer’s critical applications.

Press Release: DQE Announces Wireless Backup Solution