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Getting To Know: Robert L. Ritter

As the Director, Legal & Compliance and General Counsel, Bob Ritter leads all day-to-day legal functions for the company and coordinates regulatory and government compliance across the company. He is also responsible for our regulatory policy and government relations. 

Before working at DQE what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

For multiple years in college, I produced and directed an annual parade with over 40 units. 

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.

I recently re-engaged practicing improv as part of a comedy team. It was a previous hobby derailed by COVID.

What advice do you have for prospective DQE candidates?

Everyone assumed from my resume I could do the job. The real focus was assessing entrepreneurial spirit and ability to be a good teammate. 

What are three career lessons you’ve learned thus far?

You learn more from your failures and dead ends than your successes.

Don’t take a job, or stay at a job, if it isn’t fun.

Don’t ever rest on what you think you know. The world keeps changing, and you must constantly learn and adapt.

What are you most excited about accomplishing in your role?

Under GI Partners’ new ownership, we can take everything that is great about DQE—our network, our products, our customer service—and supercharge it for more growth. 

What are your hopes for our industry?

The pandemic showed everyone the critical value of communications. I love that we are a critical partner for our customers and the people they serve. We are on the cusp of bringing America close to the promise of broadband for all. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy major and minor league baseball (at the park or on the radio), camping, working on DIY projects, and spending time with my wife, 3 adult children, and 3 dogs.

What does true leadership mean to you?

A leader’s job is to set the direction and ensure that team members have everything they need to be successful and continue their personal growth. Listen and collaborate—your team members often have better ideas than you do. 

What drew you to DQE originally?

DQE is big enough to provide a world-class network but small enough and local enough to provide personalized service. As a wholesale customer, I knew DQE had a well-earned reputation for a great network and great people. 

What has been your favorite project so far at DQE?

The transfer to new ownership will be seamless for our customers, but that is because there is a whole team handling a thousand little details behind the scenes.